Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What if you....

What if you found out that you only had a certain amount of time to live. What would you do? Would you continue to work? Would you cash in your life savings and go do all the things you ever wanted to do? Would you get a bunch of credit cards issued to yourself with an unGodly credit limit and then go out and charge them to the max? Would you tell anyone or keep it to yourself? No, I'm not dying. Just thought it would be a good first "What if" post ;)


Unknown said...

I would probably continue doing what I am doing now. Working a little, relaxing a little, going where I want when I want, but I would definitely add more time with people I love into the mix, if I could.

I wouldn't get the credit cards, but just live my life with what I have.

Linda's Place said...

oh, I have to say that I would definitely get the CC's and have a blast....I wouldn't care if they were insured or not...of course, my luck would be that they had made a mistake & I really wasn't in that movie that Queen Latifa was in...I think it was called Holiday???